Cable-Sleeves SIZE SAMPLES e.003
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Each cable sleeve in this SIZE sample pack has a length of at least 45 centimeters (~1.6 foot).
In the latest version of this sample pack (v003 on 16th December 2022), we have removed FP-size sleeve.
Currently we have 5 sizes of cable sleeves, which are all included in this package:
- MICRO sleeving for objects from 1.5 mm to 4.0 mm outer-diameter (OD)
- XTC cable sleeve for objects from 2.2 mm to 5 mm OD
- SMALL cable sleeving for objects from 2.0 mm to 7.8 mm OD
- MEDIUM cable sleeves for objects from 5 mm to 14.5 mm OD
- BIG cable sleeve for objects from 12 mm to 24 mm OD
Included in this SIZE (marked with "SIZ") sample pack:
- MICRO = 1 piece
- XTC = 1 piece
- SMALL = 1 piece
- MEDIUM = 1 piece
- BIG = 1 piece
Advice on size identification: Make sure to read the category description of each size to get a full understanding about the diameter range of each size. MICRO is by far the smallest sleeve. XTC and SMALL have a very similar size, but a difference in weave density. XTC looks denser than SMALL, feels "harder" and looks more "matte" due to the smaller areas of reflection. MEDIUM is bigger than XTC and SMALL. BIG is obviously the biggest sleeve.
- A full description of the general properties, features and advantages of MDPC cable sleeve, you find in the CABLE SLEEVING category description.
MDPC-X: The globally unique cable sleeves.
- MDPC-X cable sleeve is 100% Made in Germany - including all base-materials for our cable sleeve.
- Lead-free base-materials. No lead poisoning when inhaling fumes during shrinking / melting of MDPC-X cable sleeve.
- 100% Unique color quality in the world of cable sleeve. MDPC creates the most beautiful, saturated, brilliant and vivid colors.
- MDPC-X cable sleeve colors include Germany's high quality UV stabilizers to protect our cable sleeve at outdoor use.
- MDPC-X cable sleeve is made to the highest quality and protective standards of Germany's automotive industry.